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In response to
mounting public concerns about global warming and other forms of environmental
damage, many companies are launching initiatives to “green” their products,
services, and operations. But whether or not you agree that taking steps to
reduce your company’s carbon footprint is the “right thing” to do – adopting
environmentally friendly practices can lower operating costs and help your
company stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Going green may
even bring in a new set of environmentally aware customers, enhance your
company’s image, and improve morale among your employees.

It Makes Business Sense

may appear somewhat optional at the moment, but a combination of public
pressure, rising energy prices, and the enactment of tighter regulations may
soon force businesses to drastically reduce their energy consumption and alter
the types of materials they use. Moving toward adopting more environmentally
friendly practices now may put you ahead of your competitors in the race to
meet rapidly evolving market demands and regulatory standards.

Producing excessive
amounts of waste is intuitively not just bad for the planet; it is also bad for
your bottom line. For business reasons, your company should seek to reduce the
amount of waste it produces, and recycle as much of the remaining waste as

For example, if
your company uses a lot of paper, employees should discard the paper in
separate bins for recycling, rather than throwing the paper in the trash. In
addition, paper made from recycled materials can be used not just within the
office, but also for advertising and marketing materials. While recycled paper
is often no more expensive than conventional paper, you may have to seek out a
vendor that carries a good selection of recycled paper lines at reasonable

How to Start

To get started on a
recycling program, ask a manager or employee to serve as your company’s
“recycling coordinator.” The coordinator’s job will include identifying what
materials are recyclable, and in what areas of operation waste can be reduced
through changes in working practices.

The coordinator
may, for example, be responsible for placing and emptying recycling containers
throughout the workspace, and for educating other employees about recycling
procedures and ways to minimize waste. You may also want to put the coordinator
in charge of sourcing recycled materials and setting up relationships with
haulers and recyclers. With the help of the coordinator, get employees involved
in the process of conserving resources, encouraging them to participate in the
recycling program and offer their own suggestions for reducing waste.

If you are building
or remodeling your facilities, consider hiring contractors that are committed
to sustainable construction practices and installing highly efficient heating
& cooling systems. Green building often costs little more than conventional
forms of construction, and can produce substantial energy savings over time.

There are a number
of tax breaks available to companies that invest in certain types of green
energy technologies, such as wind, solar, or geothermal systems. Organic
building materials also tend to produce better indoor air quality, resulting in
a healthier and more pleasant working environment. Even if you are not
currently considering a major overhaul of your facilities or equipment,
conducting an energy audit can help you identify simple ways to conserve
energy, such as using highly efficient fluorescent bulbs, or establishing a
policy of turning off lights and equipment when not in use.

Many business
owners and their employees do a lot of driving. If you are thinking about replacing
some of your company vehicles, consider buying or leasing the most fuel-efficient cars or trucks. If you buy hybrid or electric vehicles, you may
qualify for tax credits. Consider, too, whether routes can be made more
efficient to reduce the amount of driving necessary.

If your business
manufactures products, there could be many ways that you can reduce the
environmental impact of the manufacturing process, the products themselves, and
the packaging of the products. While changing the way you make your products
may require some research and involve developing new relationships with
suppliers, the amount of money that can be saved by adopting more efficient
processes can be substantial. And, as consumer concerns about the use of
potentially toxic materials in the manufacturing of products spread, using
safer or organic materials can become a major selling point.

It’s About Marketing

Once you have made a genuine commitment to adopting greener practices, don’t be shy about
sharing your goals and achievements with your customers. Younger Americans, in
particular, are attracted to companies that care about sustainability:
according to a Maritz poll, half of consumers between the ages of 18 and 30 are
more likely to buy from an environmentally responsible company than from a firm
that does not make that commitment, and nearly half of Generation Y consumers
are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products or services.

Include information
about your company’s sustainable products and practices in your marketing and
advertising messages, as well as in your recruitment materials. You may be able
to generate media coverage of your green initiatives by calling or sending
press releases to local and trade media.

And as trite as it
sounds: going green could bring you more green. 

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